Hi guys im back and im really excited cuz i managed to find an awesome/cute/cool website that sells awesome/cute/cool things. So i picked a few of the awesome/cute/cool merchandise they sell n here they are! Hope you enjoy!
WARNING : The items you see might be totally random ^__^___________________________________________________________________
So here's the first. I normally pay no attention to rings. Let alone post anything about rings. But this.... this is seriously cute. Its like a little belt or buckle wrapped around your finger ( ^-^)

If you asked me what my favourite bird was, I'll probably say its the owl. Its not that i dislike the other birds. Its just that i find owls just amazing. Their big big eyes... wow.
Plus i have to fight the urge to try and hug an owl. They are just SO fluffy 

Ok, just like rings, i would admit that honestly, just honestly, i hate hello kitty. Its a personal preference. But i actually admit that this set of hello kitty monster earings are an exception. They are... kinda cute.

Need some luck? Well here you got the luck of the Irish necklace. You got a lucky horseshoe, plus some map??? Well its still cute.

S'More campfire bracelet. Just looking at this makes me hungry.